Herbal Actions


Bitter Herbs can dramatically improve appetite by stimulating secretions by the salivary glands and digestive organs. They can strengthen the overall function of the digestive system, improving digestion and absorption of nutrients. Bitter Herbs Burdock – Articum lappa Holy Basil – Ocimum sanctum L. orOcimum tenuiflorum


Vulnerary herbs are used to heal wounds and inflammation. Depending upon the specific herb and how it’s used it will either contain tannins which create an impervious layer externally to protect while it heals, or it will have a mucilage effect internally which stimulates the growth and division of cells to speed the healing of …

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Stimulant herbs stimulate nervous system. I hesitate to make a general statement on stimulant herbs, as different stimulant herbs can effect different systems of the body. We will delve deeper as we study the herbs which contain this herbal action. Stimulant Herbs Calendula – Calendula officinalis L


Lymphatic herbs increase the lymphatic flow. When lymph drainage become congested and lymph nodes become swollen, the use of these herbs can remove stagnation and help the body fight infection and relieve inflammation. Lymphatic Herbs Burdock – Arctium lappa Calendula – Calendula officinalis L

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