
The anti-atheroma herbal action refers to the term atheroma, which is a Latin word used to designate the plaque deposited on the innermost layer of systemic artery walls and is derived from two Greek roots: athéré means gruel or porridge and sclerosis signifies hardening.

In 1940 Félix Marchand suggested the word “atherosclerosis” should be better instead of atheroma. It is an improvement over the older designation arteriosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is still used because it describes the two components of plaque: the lipid-filled core of atheroma encased in a shell of sclerosis or fibrosis, which presents the feature of atherosclerotic structure. There is mounting evidence that inflammation plays an important role in the initiation, development as well as evolution of atherosclerosis.

Anti-atheroma Herbs

Horsetail – Equisetum arvense

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