About Us

I’m Karen. I am a mother and grandmother, a bookkeeper by trade and herbalist by desire. I started Our Healing Spirit as a way to reach out to others on the path to wellness and share my experiences with the always helpful, sometime magical plants we call herbs. Herbalism is a journey and not a destination, as their are so many wonderful herbs to study and so many uses that it will take more than one lifetime to learn them all. I love learning and teaching about herbs and making remedies and personal care products to benefit all of you, my family and of course myself. Thank you for visiting Our Healing Spirit and I wish you the greatest health and well-being that you are able to attain.
Our Staff

Meet Bubba
Gorgeous, isn’t he? He may look pretty intimidating to those who don’t know the true nature of the pitbull. I am ashamed to admit that I was once afraid of the breed and didn’t want one around my grandchildren. Bubba is a very loving and compassionate member of my family, and I don’t know what I would do without him in my life. Through his eyes I see unconditional love and acceptance. His breed had been demonized not by their own actions, but by the actions of those responsible for their care. I love you Boo. You are my angel sent from Heaven.
Our Mission

Heal Our Planet
I have been pretty complacent about my own impact on our home. That this issue has become so political is actually frightening. I believe that we all want clean air and water for our children, grandchildren and for ourselves. I believe that we all care. It is all of our responsibility to take care of our magnificent planet earth.
So, what can I do to help heal our home? I can reduce the amount of garbage I generate and be more mindful of the consequences my actions have on our planet. I can buy less and reuse more. I can steer clear of single use plastics. I already limit my driving by combing my trips as much as possible. I think that I can do better, and I believe in human ingenuity. We now have the opportunity to use that ingenuity to clean up our mess. I will share with you the efforts I make in reducing my carbon footprint, and I hope you will share your efforts with me.

This Site is not intended to diagnose, treat any disease or condition, or to be construed as medical advice. Information and other content provided on this Site are for informational purposes only, including information that may be provided on this Site directly or by linking to third-party websites. Your health is your responsibility and I urge you to seek advise from a physician or other healthcare professional regarding any medical or health related diagnosis or treatment. Read full disclaimer.