Burdock Root & Carrot Kimchi

Burdock Root and Carrot Kimchi


  • 1 lb Fresh Burdock Root
  • 1 lb Carrots
  • 1/2 bunch Scallions
  • 1 tbs Fresh Ginger Goot
  • 2-3 cloves Garlic
  • 1/4 cup Lemon Juice
  • 2 tbs Lemon Zest
  • 1-2 tsp Red Pepper Flakes
  • 1+ tbs Unrefined Sea Salt
  1. Peel and thinly slice carrots and place in mixing bowl. Cut scallions into 1 inch pieces and add to sliced carrots along with the ginger, garlic and red pepper flakes. Mix to combine and set aside.

  2. Peel and thinly slice burdock root in a separate bowl. Immediately add the lemon juice and mix into the burdock root. This step will help to keep the burdock from turning an unappetizing grey color.

  3. Add the burdock root, lemon zest and sea salt to the carrot mixture. Using your hands, mix and squeeze to start the process of extracting the brine. Cover and let sit in a cool place for 30 minutes or up to 1 hour. You should have some brine at this point and if not, add just a teaspoon of sea salt and wait a while longer.

  4. Transfer mixture to a 1 quart cleaned and sanitized canning jar. Press down as much as you can to tightly pack in jar. Fill the ziplock bag about 1/2 to 3/4 full with water. Seal bag and stuff into top of jar on top of your kimchi. this will allow the brine to expand and not push a lid off the jar. Save the lid for when your kimchi is all finished and ready to refrigerate. Place the jar in an empty pie plate or on a cookie sheet in case the jar overflows. Let sit in a cool spot out of direct sunlight for 7-14 days.

  5. Check every day to make sure the vegetables are submerged and skim off any scum that develops. When finished, it should have a pleasing sour taste. Place lid on jar and refrigerate.

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