Herbal Lozenges and Candies

Herbal lozenges are a convenient way to take your herbal remedies. Once you decide which herbs you will use, based on their actions and your needs, you will make the lozenges in much the same way as herbal syrups.

Place a total of 2 ounces of herb(s) in a cooking pot for every quart of water used. Add the water to the herbs and simmer over low heat until you have about 1 pint of liquid left.

Strain the herbs using cheesecloth and pour the liquid back into the pot.

Add 1-1/2 cups of sugar to the pot. (I don’t recommend using honey because the cooking temperature will destroy the enzymes in honey.) Cook over medium heat until the mixture reaches 300 degrees on a candy thermometer. Don’t leave unattended. If you don’t have a candy thermometer, you can drop a small amount into a bowl of ice water. You should be able to form it into a ball with your fingertips. Take the ball out of the bowl and drop it on a the countertop.  If it breaks, it is ready to pour.

Pour the herb mixture into a candy mold. Once the lozenges harden, remove them from the mold and coat in either arrowroot powder or a powdered herb. Place the lozenges in a jar or tin and label the container with all ingredients and the date.

Herbal Candy

These delicious candies are my favorite way to enjoy the benefits of medicinal herbs. Please keep in mind that herbal dosage formulas are based on 150 lb adults. Also, remember that herbs can differ greatly in their actions and the duration of time they should be taken. You will need to measure your herbal powders carefully to reach a fairly accurate calculation of the daily dosage.

To make herbal candy, you can use raisins, dates, apricots, walnuts or any combination of these yummy treats. You can also mix nut butters, maple or rice syrups or honey in equal proportions.

Place your chosen ingredients from the above into a food processor or magic bullet. Add in cocoa powder or carob and your powdered herbs. Process until combined well and roll into balls. The size of the balls will be determined by the dosage you wish to acheive for each ball.

Place cocoa or carob powder or shredded coconut in a bowl. Roll the balls in the powder or coconut . . . or both and store in an airtight container in the refrigerator. Remember to label the container with all ingredients. This herbal candy will keep for several weeks if refrigerated.

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