Herbal Tinctures

Herbal Tinctures

Tinctures are very potent extracts of herbs. Tinctures are made from leaves, flowers, seeds, stems or roots, of either fresh or dried herbs. I have had great success with dried herbs, so that what I usually use. 

Tinctures can be made using alcohol, apple cider vinegar or vegetable glycerin. If using glycerin, dilute it with water in equal parts. The most common method is to use alcohol as the extracting solvent. You would most likely use vinegar or glycerin when the tincture is to be used by children or anyone who has alcohol sensitivity. The alcohol used should be 80 to 100 proof vodka, brandy or gin. (80 proof equals 40 percent alcohol and 100 percent equals 50 percent alcohol.)

Chop or grind herbs and place them in a clean, dry mason or other glass jar. The root tends to swell when the alcohol is absorbed, so don’t fill your jar over half full. Fill the jar to around 3/4 full when using leaves and flowers.

Pour the alcohol, vinegar or diluted glycerin over the herbs. The herbs need to be completely submerged in the liquid so put enough liquid in so it covers them by 2 to 3 inches. Cover with a tight fitting lid.

Place the jar in a warm location where you will be reminded to shake it every day or two. This keeps the herb from settling on the bottom of the jar, and gently shaking the jar gives you a chance to put your own healing energy into your herbal tincture. After 4-6 weeks, strain the herbs from the liquid using cheesecloth and a strainer.

Sometimes you will want to make what is known as a double extraction. Double extractions are made when you need to extract the constituents which are water soluble, as well as those which are release by the alcohol. Once your alcohol tincture is finished, place the used herbs (or a fresh batch of dried herbs if you prefer) in a double boiler and add enough water, so that when your decoction is completed you will have half to equal quantity of your alcohol tincture. You want to ensure that your finished tincture is shelf stable, so the alcohol content should be around 25-35% alcohol in a double extraction. Strain the herbs and place your newly created double extraction tincture in a bottle or jar and label it with the name, extracting agent(s) and date completed. Store your tincture in a cool dark location and keep away from children.


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